Friday, October 24, 2014

"The Secret"- Admired Secretly!!!

Author: Rhonda Byrne
Genre: Self-Help
Pages: 198
Cover: Hard-cover
                                  The Secret's paper quality seems like some valuable and mysterious secret is about to be revealed from this book... And that is the great strategy of the author to make a book title like this to grab attention of the readers... And also that's the reason for the increased cost of a book with mere 200 pages... One advice I want to give for Book readers is "Please don't go by the appearance of the cover and paper quality of one Book". Am not stating "The Secret" doesn't worth it... But it is shouldn't be the Strategy for buying or borrowing the books to read... 

                                  Now coming to the point, the book does reveals the secret of human lives... But unfortunately it is a kind of secret that most of us heard often and known by ourselves... 

"World doesn't need new Proverbs... It only need guidelines to follow the existing ones". The book does provide many strategies by which the secret can be followed by us... It helps us hold our determination and desire towards the secret and yeah, they may quite workout for most of the people... 

The author, in her prologue had said that after knowing the Secret, she went all around the globe to meet great minds and successful people to make sure the Secret is real... But I didn't knew or heard of even single person she pointed as great minds of the world... That made me think like the author uses a false strategy or even though those people may exist and did understood the secret, what's the point?  If the author might have went and interviewed familiar personalities and recorded their success stories, it might have made sense while reading them...  

In the whole book, the author's thought seems like people who are reading her book would definitely be in misery, distress, don't know to solve their life problems, relation ship issues, lack of money problems... So does the author used many examples of the people is dangerous situations like car accident, people having more debt, people having diseases etc... And another major issue caught my attention in personal is the author often pointed money as a great issue... Provide more and more theories for making money in abundance, having a bungalow, buying luxurious car...  In the whole book,I didn't found any theories that help reader's to follow passion... And that made me evaluate low about the book... 

At one part of the book author had said "Whenever you feel low, take this book, open a random page, and there you will find the answer for your problem". Oh yeah it does have answers for all kind of problems...  That's because most part of the book is hitting the same iron... Telling the same fact again and again and again and again from different people's view and using different phrases, but they all mean the common solution that one can use to handle the problems... A good strategy though, but doesn't seemed wise to me... 

                 Overall, if you want a book that provides you abundance of positive thoughts and theories "The Secret" is the best book I have read so far... The Book  will surely help some one come out of miseries and encourages us to attend many new things in life... I have gained many effective thoughts from the book... But if you are a mad reader like me who wants to give a single continuous read on books, this book is definitely "A Pain Over the Head"... The author failed to create more grip for readers... 

But as far as the self-help genres are considered, the way author partitioned the chapters, the way she used the facts and thoughts of the people, the way she insisted on her theory of revealing "The Secret" had proved the book is not worthless... 

My advice is don't buy it from shops,instead borrow from Friends or Library... But must give a read... 

Thank you...   

1 comment:

  1. Ohh nice...let me read it...if u provide me with tat buk...;-)
