Saturday, November 15, 2014


கண் இமைக்கும் நேரத்தில்
மின்னலாய் பறந்தன வாகனங்கள்...

அரை-குளியல் அவசரத்தில்
அரை கப் காபி குடிக்க கூட
நேரமில்லாததை நினைத்து
கடிந்து கொண்டிருந்தேன்
பேருந்தில் அமர்ந்துகொண்டு....

பேருந்து கடந்து செல்லும்  சாலையின்
ஓரமாய் கூடி இருந்த கூட்டத்தை
கண்டு திரும்பிய தலைகளுள் எனதுமிருந்தது...

உயிர் போயிற்று,
உடல் இதோ இங்கே இருக்கிறது என,
கடந்து செல்பவருக்கெல்லாம்
தான் இருக்கும் இடத்தை
அடையாளம் காட்டியது  
பாதாள சாக்கடையில் முங்கி கிடப்பவனின்
கால்கள், வெளியே நீட்டி கொண்டு...

இறந்து கிடப்பவனின் ஆன்மா
ஆயிரத்து எட்டாவது ஆளாக
என்னிடமும் சொல்லியே விட்டது,
பார்த்து சிலிர்த்து , கடந்து செல்ல
இங்கு நடந்தேறியது மயிர்க்கூச்சல் அல்ல
உயிர் கூச்சல் " என்று... 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Letters- A sad confession...

                     Does it look like a cliche topic? Yes it is... I intentionally wanted it to be cliched... And I'll tell you the reason in the meantime... For now let the post carries a theme as the topic sounds...Totally a miserable tone... 

                     A friend of mine pointed this strongly and it urged me to share my opinion about letters...  
                    Actually, most of our generation boys and girls are slightly pity, for not experiencing the beautiful feel of dealing with Letters which our parents and grandparents might have gone through once... You can ask either your parents or your friend's parents about the feel of Letters, and you will get a plenty of interesting tales that a writer could possibly make best sellers... 
                    A letter is not just something simple as the name suggests... Writing a letter is not just taking care of  'to' and 'from' addresses and not forgetting to point the 'subject' ,as our schools had taught us...  They are not just old fashioned means of communication... They aren't the tool of non-technical people of today... 

                     Most of the letters start with salutation "My dear ____". People meant it when they penned down it.. But these days when some one uses "dear" over emails or chats, most often they are either being abstract or the person hearing them take it as nothing-so-important about it...   

                     While writing a letter, people use to gather most valuable points to put down... They longed to write letters in most attractive manner to grab their loved one's attention... And that had lead to the birth of many soulful and lovable writers those days... Though not writers, they had been good humans... I am not blaming that today's people are in-human... But relationships, conversations, confessions, etc through internet had caused lack of basic human feelings and deeds towards another humans... Those days a person's collection of letters can say his/ her character well... But these days, a chat history always remains to be a mystery... Letters spoke out the thoughts inside the heart... They weren't filled with threads and threads of silly reasons for fights, misunderstandings, chaos, hatred etc... As far as the letters were alive, one soul's love towards another soul hadn't been so difficult as today...      

                      Imagine this... "You are a lean guy with mediocre height, with pale complexation... You are probably neither so-called handsome one nor a bad one to label... You are sitting on your balcony in silence... You are eagerly waiting for a letter to be delivered to your house… Precisely for a reply for your last letter from a girl who means a lot to you... A reply that you expect to reveal about something for which you longed the most... You are looking at the street restlessly for any sign of post man's arrival...You seems bit nervous... The wind is cold and it blows on your face that make you realise the chillness of the climate… Sun is off the sight and you could only see dark clouds curling up above your head… You feel like they are contributing perfectly at this time for your mood…  

                     Many thoughts are floating same as the clouds getting curled up in your mind...  'What if she think that I meant that point in a wrong way?' or What if she had took it as a thing that she was longing to confess?' , ‘Would she have replied for my letter?’, ‘Would she accept? ’ , ‘Did I made a mistake? ’, ‘Should I have elaborated a bit?’, ‘What did she meant by that line in her last letter?’ , ‘Does she feel the same way I feel about her?’... With all the thoughts running up, you feel a chill spine running through your back… A feel of satisfaction… A relief of dropping some burden from the heart… Now you are ready to face any kind of reply… Making up your mind out of these thoughts, you are lifting your head up on the sky, after which you hear your calling bell sound, some one in front of your door saying, ‘Sir Post…’

                   Doesn't that sounds like we all are missing some valuable feelings, emotions, experiences  like these which had been defeated by quick confessions and fast replies, fast heart breaking talks,quick acceptances or rejections, relationships that don't even last for mere fraction of times of these days…   If you want to experience this beautiful thing, try writing a letter for your friend... Write things that you may text them the whole night, all the day... And if you find it difficult to grab the important words or doesn't know what to share through a letter, then please redefine your friendship's terms and conditions... Give the letter to your friend in hand, ask them to reply for your's and wait for it... If you like the experience, then go on continuing this practice... I bet you would be amazed to read and write stuff about your friend or lovable ones...  

                   Most of the great people’s autobiographies are taken from their hand written letters only… I don’t know how many of us going to have so-called autobiographies that going to inspire our upcoming generations…In those days more than posted letters, unposted  letters do speak many truths… Do reveal many secrets… 

                    At one side, saving trees by avoiding usage of papers are really appreciable fact…  But that's is why I said this post is a sad confession… Some things in life are meant to be missed forever even after we know that they make us feel good… For the fact that, it may bring goodness in someone else’s lives…    

Thursday, November 6, 2014


                      Isn't the title of this post a bit strange? 'Library-mania'... What is mania?
What does it take to be maniac? Whether getting maniac about something is good or bad? Let us talk about it, considering it as an elaborate subject...

                      If you are not into these kind of library stuff, then you can move on to any other posts... But I bet you that if you read this post completely you will become a 'maniac'... Just kidding...

                      First of all there is nothing bad about a being maniac on good things... May be that good things list vary from one another... As far as a strong desire about something is concerned, exhibiting to be maniac can help a lot...

                      Now coming to the point, Library maniacs are not so scarce in number... Many are out there and around us... They use to be with us, eat with us, do things like we and most of the people do... After all maniacs are not supposed to seem like some creepy creatures on planet whom others may think they appear bit crazy... They are ordinary people... These library maniacs are some of them who needs to be taken notice of... And make it a note that am one of them...

                      Love towards library is not like a love of a person towards a flower as it is being admired by others... It is not like a some one who get inspired by a person as others get inspired by that person... No one on this earth would like to think like,one of  his/ her dream had come true when that person stands in the middle of two racks full of books with the smell of those papers and prints and there flows a fine chill inside the body that makes them realise this is not a dream, this is reality that proves our dream real, without having a craze towards books...

                      What is it a reader will ask for, more than a life inside a library? Waking up in the morning seeing the stack of books in front... Having a coffee sitting there, having a book in hand... You get up, sit down, walk through, stare at, sleep with, think of, make fun,and live happy ,do each and everything along with books... Lots of books... Books enough to read for your lifetime... If you are the one who wants to live a life like this, then it is obvious you are on the starting stage of becoming maniac towards library or you might have already become one...  Check out my older posts "World of Readers" if you want to read about the reader's minds...

                      If you are happy , there will be many friendly books in a library to share it with... If you are glum inside, there are many enthusiastic ones to make you bright...  If you are struggling to make a decision, there are wise ones... There are good ones to make you feel good... There are helpful one for your progresses... There will be lovely ones, bold ones, inspiring ones, awesome ones and lively ones... These days it is being hard to find lively people around... In a library, there are no short for that and also other kinds...

                       Books are mysterious but at the same time most joyful worlds that are wide opened for any one to enter into... I some times wonder, why people don't getting an opportunity of getting into  exciting states that are readily available?  Whether they don't want to get excited or they don't know, here in the plenty of printed pages and in the enormous freaky creaky words lies there excitements?
Pity,I conclude of them...

                        You don't need only to be maniac to love libraries... There are many classical kind of lovers who spend there times for either peace making or just for gaining knowledge...  Whatever, libraries are one of the most powerful and most brilliant place for humans... Besides they are the power source for man kind... I always see them like that... A power source being kept inside blocks and blocks of buildings arranged section wise with racks and racks of books that are any time available for people to get charged up...

                         At last, if you hadn't been to a library,please make a visit... Sitting inside a library with heck of silence surrounded by either maniacs or brilliant people and hearing 'tushhhh', 'tushhh' kind of sound that often created by others turning the pages,and 'wshh','wshh' sound of a fan, that relaxes your mind,and set things up straight,become ready to jump from a high cliff, probably more height from which only glimps of  bright lights are visible(cover and back cover description),and clear your thoughts...No matter what comes in front of your way,no matter how strong it take to make a  jump, no matter phone rings or time to get to go or whatever it is,that may stop you from jumping, put aside all of them make a leap,a small jerk of a jump by turning your first page and start reading your book... It will definitely make you a desperate lover towards books...  If you don't agree with me, then ask other maniacs around you... May be the one sitting beside you... Who knows? These people are really silent killers...  

              Are you ready? Get prepared to be maniac and brace yourself to make a big jump...