Sunday, March 15, 2015

An ample of misunderstanding!

                  People around you misunderstand. Friends misunderstand. Loved ones miunderstand each other. You misunderstand yourself at times. 
                  Humans are supposed to misunderstand each other unless and until there is a chance by which we can hear or sense what is going on inside other's mind. But being a common and inevitable problem we people never take this thing as a it-always-happens kind of event between two persons. We feel worried when our companion misunderstands us. We feel frustrated when our parents misunderstands us. We feel angry when our friends misunderstands us.  One thing we need to understand is that most of us misundertood the real context of MISUNDERSTANDING phenomenon. 

                  When a friend chooses to say a word that doesn't complies us, we think they misunderstood us. When our parents tries to force a thing on us that we hardly like to continue, we think they misunderstood us. When our loved ones seems to do a thing that contradicts our so called wish-list we think they misunderstood us. 

                  Misunderstanding is a common behavioural factor of humans like angriness, laziness, hatred etc. It is just that if someone doesn't understands us it is not only their mistake. To be true the biggest part of the mistake is we ourselves. Some how we might have failed to expressed what we are expecting or what we are thinking which turns out to be a false judgement by others on us.  What it leads is continous ruckus with that person. 

                  No one can ever be understood completely by others. There are always misunderstandings in the process of knowing each other. This is what I persume as a core reason for misunderstandings. KNOWING EACH OTHER. If any person misunderstands us in any situation it means they tried to know about us which turned out to be wrong. It's as simple as that. If our loved one misunderstands us it means they tried to know about us and failed rather than assuming like 'even after being in a relationship for years how can he/she misunderstood me?' 

                 I am not stating that just let this misunderstanding thing fly away and continue your relationship with that person. It depends on our attitude. If you are a type of person who can get flectuated with new people and new surroundings then you can quickly decide that the person who misunderstoods is not the right person you are searching for and continue your journey of finding new people. On the other hand if you are a person who wants a single and best relationship either in Friendsship or love , sit back and identify where you failed to express yourselves because of which that person tends to make a false decision about you.  

                 After all life is made of many things which also includes misunderstandings. But life can never be accomplished fully if misunderstanding plays a bigger role. 

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