Thursday, January 29, 2015

Strange Relationship!!!

               I don't know who she is. She comes to the bus stop once in a while where I board my college bus. I don't know where she lives. She always wears a white salwar kameez. I don't know how old she is. She carries a brown backpack and also a handbag. I don't know what she is doing. Whether a college student or an employee at any company or a labour, I don't know. I only know one thing. Her round eyes with grey pupil isn't something to be sighted and move on normally.                  
               When I talk about a girl's eyes, I feel like the readers may think of this post as a chance for me to express my secret crush about some girl I have seen before. If so believe me, it is not. We humans from our evolution on this world to this minute I am typing the post had lived our lives by engaging in relationships. We created relationships. We overruled them. We got cherished by them. We made them cruel. We disavowed people around us because of some relationships. We sacrificed ourselves for the people because of the same relationships.  Are these relationships that humankind engaged the only possibilities for any two humans to have a connection?  Who are the first two humans to have a friendship in the world? Who are the first two people who become siblings to each other? Who are those two persons to become first teacher and first student? Are these relationships were predefined?  Did anyone know how it would be like to have a friendship before someone started being friends for the first time?  It happened worldwide as civilisations started emerging, I accept. But there should have been two persons who longed so much and should have had a desire to feel the friendship. 

             The girl I met and I have a strange relationship. I don’t know whether she feel the same. I don’t feel any love or I don’t have any soft corner on her. But still, whenever she comes my heart starts pounding. I don’t want her to talk to me or share things with me. I don’t want her to know that I have this kind of feel about her. I don’t want her to see me or sense that I am staring at her. I neither want her to expect anything from me, nor do I expect anything from her except one thing. I want her to come to the same bus stop once in a while and stand in front of me. I want her to do it for my whole life. I want her to be that part of my life.  

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